Text Information on Your Demo CD

Yay you! You've completed your demo reel, and now you're ready to distribute it to the world. But first…create the most important piece of marketing you'll ever do…the cover art and text that go on the CD case and disc. Here are some considerations about what to include.

Text Elements to Consider


  1. NAME
  2. Contact info (phone number, e-mail, website, etc.)
  3. Description of contents (Commercial? Narration? Characters? Some sort of tag line like: “Voice/over Variety You Can Count On!”


  1. NAME
  2. Contact info
  3. Description of contents
  4. Any acknowledgements, such as producer/director, fellow actors appearing on demo. (This is optional, but so is everything else here!)
  5. List of tracks (probably not both the description and the list of tracks. All below are just examples)
    1. Commercial
    2. Narration
    3. Characters
    4. Station Announcer
    5. Webcast Host
    6. Documentary
    7. Books on Tape
    8. Etc.


  1. NAME or design element
  2. Nothing else, this goes under the CD itself, and not all jewel boxes even have a space for this.


  1. NAME
  2. Phone number, but not if it makes the name illegible!


  1. NAME
  2. Contact info
  3. Description of contents
  4. List of tracks (probably not both the description and the list of tracks. All below are just examples)
    1. Commercial
    2. Narration
    3. Characters
    4. Station Announcer
    5. Webcast Host
    6. Documentary
    7. Books on Tape
    8. Etc.


  1. Name
  2. Contact Info
  3. List of tracks (optional)

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